Day -2 
Monday, August 6, 2007, 22:14
The following is a picture report of Project Planet on Sziget Fesztival 2007.

But what is Project Planet?
In short it is a very unique 360 degree projection of panoramic images from all around the world.

In details::
World Panorama Stock owned by PanoGraph and Special Event, a Budapest based event agency has worked on a unique project that has never happened before in the Central European region in the field of panoramic imaging and projection.

A hemispherical tent (diameter of the tent: 18 meter) is put up where a screen of 2 meters high from ground is installed. The size of the screen: 55 meters long and 4 meters wide. This long screen runs around the wall of the tent. A special projection software is used to project 360 degree panoramic pictures on this screen. The goal is to „exhibit” our planet on Sziget festival, to show the various geographies of the globe.

Panoramic pictures need a lot of space, special technology therefore it is difficult to show them in a regular art gallery. This is a perfect spot to show full panoramic pictures on an exhibition for really large audience.

Every day a different exhibition is presented about each continent. Sound effects, narration, and activities are added that has a direct link to the continent.

Themes for each day:
2007. VIII. 8. Europe
2007. VIII. 9. America
2007. VIII. 10. Asia
2007. VIII. 11. Africa
2007. VIII. 12. Australia
2007. VIII. 13. Antarctica
2007. VIII. 14. Panoramic pictures that had been taken during the Sziget Festival by the team led by Andras Frenyo. You can follow the Sziget events in 360 degree day by day by visiting their site

Projection is on in every hour with narration in Hungarian, but during the evening hours English narration is added for the truly international audience of the Festival.

The contributors to Project Planet are some of the best panoramic photographers and VRists of the Globe, ie. our Planet:
Luis Alejandro Ontiveros
Milko Amorth
Ricardo Araújo
Ingemar Bergmark
Terry Borchers
Hennes Brütt
Oliver Cannell
Axl Coeuret
Blake Coverdale
Tamas D.Varga
John Dobbins
Frank Gasteiger
Sacha Griffin
Sven Hafner
Césár Orlando Palencia
Paul Palmer
Valerij Reznikov
Jarek Sepek
Aaron Spence
Wolfgang Stich
Paul Stieller
Dylan Swan
Stijn Swinnen
Jan van der Woning
Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano
Peter Watts
Thomas Williams
Fung Yu

Follow the link at the bottom of the page or click on the days of the calendar (from August 6 - 14, 2007) to see what happened in and around the Planet tent.

Here are some images about the preparation for you.

The dome

The tent

The "Engine Room"

"Does it really work?"

"Some more cables, quick!"

"Here they are"

The projector units

Magic circle

and finally a quickly made spehrical panorama about the preparations

Click to see the QuickTime mov >>>
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