Day 5 - Australia, New Zealand 
Sunday, August 12, 2007, 23:09
If you were asked how many didgeridoos are there in Hungary you might say none or possibly one in the Museum of Ethnography.

You're wrong. I counted ten. These Hungarian gentlemen are so enthusiastic about aboriginal music and have a large collection of maori musical instruments...

.. and of course they can play on them.

While stunning panoramic images of Australia and New Zealand were running around the screen they entertained visitors with the exotic sound of didgeridoos.

VIP guest of the day: The Honorable Alex Brooking, Australian ambassador to Hungary.

Visitors in the tent. They seem to enjoy the sight :-)

Panorama of the day by Gábor Rév
Click to see the QuickTime mov >>>
Since my panoramic head was broken I was not able to create a good quality VR therefore I am grateful to Gabor for his help.
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